St Andrew’s Church

St Andrew’s Parish Church Shalford Essex CM7 5HH

Facebook:- The Benefice of Finchingfield, Cornish Hall End, Wethersfield & Shalford
[No Facebook account is required]

Almost every generation has left its mark on our ancient St Andrew Parish Church which serves this small village of about 750 people. In all probability, the present building was erected on the site of an earlier Norman structure, as is evidenced by the clasping buttresses on the lower part of the Tower, indicating a 12th century origin.

June 2016 refurbishment of church organ commences >>read more<<

St Andrew’s Shalford, welcomes all visitors and various leaflets about the church and contents are available within the porch

Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults

The Bishop of Chelmsford is determined that our churches should be safe places for everyone. The Church’s policies and procedures are clearly displayed in the porch of St Andrew’s and explanatory leaflets, in the form of pocket guides, are in the “Safeguarding” folder on the table inside the church.

If you have any concerns that a child or vulnerable adult attending church services or church activities may be being abused or neglected, please contact the Parish Safeguarding Representative.

If you believe that the child or adult is in IMMEDIATE danger, dial the Police on 999

Memorial Book

For a very small charge a memorial book is available to record lost loved ones and is always on display inside the main entrance.

Contact Church Wardens for more information


St Andrew’s Church available for :- Christenings, Weddings, Blessings, Funerals

PCC Contacts 2023

Parish Priest: – Rev Alexander Shannon T:- 01371 810309

Agricultural Chaplain: – Cannon Janet E Nicholls T:- 01371 851317

Captain of Bell Tower: – Michael Mason T:- 01371 850125

Church Wardens: – Mrs Hilary Penny T:- 01371 851762   

Treasurer – Miss Lizzie Craig T:- 01371 811218

Voluntary Organist – Helen Marr, Richard Web and Janet Dyson

Parochial Church Council Secretary:- Sylvia Lester, Wades Gardens, Ewen Bridge Lane, Shalford T:- 01371 850211

Safeguarding Representative: – Ann Singleton T:- 01371 850918

Barbara Mavis, Helen B Willey, Mac Beanland, Johnathan K Buckley, Hilary Penny, Angela Tanner, Neil Tyler, Mike Chumbley, John H Burrow

Active Supporters
St Andrew Shalford, has an active group of supporters known as ‘Friends of St Andrew’s Church’ [FOSTAC].

FOSTAC was formed in 2006 as a non religious group to raise funds for the improvement of facilities within the church. Membership which is open to all, visit >>